Why Applying to College is Hard?

The college application process is a daunting one that students face every year!

  • Your GPA Is Not Enough

    A student's GPA is merely one of the factors that the college admissions committee looks at. The college application reflects a student holistically. There's much more to the college application than just a high school transcript.

  • Finding Colleges/Universities that are For Me

    Often we know that college is a step in the right direction after high school. However, finding colleges that suit your academic needs and wants is often forgotten.

  • A Long and Stressful Process

    It's definitely an understatement to say that the college application process is stressful! Trying to juggle applying to colleges and your current schooling can be challenging. Without a guiding hand, the journey can create anxiety and stress for many students.

Can Applying to Colleges Become Easier?

Of course! Not only can the college application process become a lot easier, but you can be a lot more successful with it as well! There's much more to the college application process than just picking random colleges and giving them your transcripts. It's all about showing colleges your true potential and what you want to get out of college!

What College Applications Are All About

It's important to know that college applications go beyond just the statistics (GPA, test scores, etc.). My college course will teach you how to tackle each part of the college application and showcase your strengths! College applications aren't just consistent with your academic achievements, but they include your extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and essay!

Hi, I am Rahema!

Hi there! My name is Rahema, and I am the brains behind this course! I was one of the first girls in my family to go to undergrad in the US! To tell you a little about myself, I am a Neuroscience major in the Honors College! I have 4+ years of experience with tutoring students in high school! I compiled this course to help those currently thinking about or in the process of applying to college.

Join Today!

Make your college application journey STRESS-FREE!

Who is this course for?

This course is for:

  • Students that have yet to start their college applications

  • Students that have started their college applications and are lost

  • Students who want help with their college applications and making the process a whole lot easier

Course curriculum

  1. Introduction

  2. Researching & Picking Colleges: Before The Application Process

  3. Classes/GPA

  4. Extracurriculars/Internships/Volunteering

  5. Standardized Testing

  6. The College Application Process

About this course

  • 31 lessons

Exclusive Founder's Round Price

Get access to a private support group, biweekly zoom calls, and exclusive content to help you strengthen college applications! For being part of the first ever launch of this course, I am offering this one time enormous discount!

Who Doesn't Love Some Bonuses!

All these come absolutely FREE with the purchasae of the course!

  • Private Support Group ($75 Value)

    Along with the course lessons, there is a private support group available for you! This group is for you to ask questions and interact with one another!

  • Biweekly Zoom Calls ($115 Value)

    For the first few weeks of the course, I am offering a special only to the founding members! I will be holding zoom calls every other week, where I will answer your questions and get to know you all on a more personal level!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You have access to this course and the private support group for about 1.5 years.

  • What is the format for this course?

    The easiest and most convenient way to learn online is through videos! The whole course is delivered through video lessons. However, there are also written versions of each video in PDF files for you to download as an additional format easily!

  • What additional support is available?

    With the purchase of the course, there is the bonus of the private support group! You can ask additional questions you may have or any concerns over there! On top of that, you also get biweekly Zoom calls for being part of the founder's round!

  • Should I purchase the course if I have already started my colllege applications?

    Yes! This course is meant to help you with your college applications, no matter where you are in that journey. You can definitely benefit from this course even if you are in the middle of your applications.

Refund Policy

I do not provide refunds for this course. For more information about the course disclaimer, please click the button down below.